GÉANT’s terabit-ready network is the most advanced and well-connected research and education network in the world. Managing such a large network is a complex task and GÉANT has created an expert support structure to ensure the reliability, integrity and security of the GÉANT network and its users. We also support the EUMEDCONNECT and FED4FIRE network infrastructures. GÉANT supports the...
Category - Network
GN4-3N’s mission is to deliver unconstrained access at higher minimum capacity thresholds, highest levels of security across the network, and equal access to clouds and other services in the European research area and beyond. It will also increase network footprint, future proof connection speeds and stimulate the market in cross-border communications infrastructure while decreasing the digital...
GÉANT topology map The first GÉANT network was launched in 2000 and has stayed well ahead of user needs ever since. Funded through the different phases of the GÉANT Project, it remains the most advanced and best connected research and education network in the world. The map below highlights the truly pan-European nature of the network, and shows topology at the time of publishing...
GÉANT prides itself on providing what commercial operators cannot: a high-speed network that pushes the boundaries of networking technology whilst delivering a cost-effective, pan-European infrastructure. Large research projects rely on GÉANT for outstanding service availability and service quality. A separate ultra-high-speed internet, just for research and education Robustness Over 4,000...
The GÉANT network continues to set the standard for speed, service availability, security and reach, delivering the high performance that more than 50 million users rely on. GÉANT interconnects Europe’s national research and education networking (NREN) organisations with an award-winning high bandwidth, high speed and highly resilient pan-European backbone – connecting Europe’s...
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