GN4-3N: Building the future GÉANT network

GN4-3N’s mission is to deliver unconstrained access at higher minimum capacity thresholds, highest levels of security across the network, and equal access to clouds and other services in the European research area and beyond. It will also increase network footprint, future proof connection speeds and stimulate the market in cross-border communications infrastructure while decreasing the digital divide.
Key Facts - GN4-3N
Start date: 1 January 2019
Duration: 48 months
Total budget: €63.125M
EC contribution: €50.5M
Participants: 500+
Project Partners: 39
37 NRENs, NORDUnet (representing 5 Nordic countries) and GÉANT Association.
By the EU and Europe’s NRENs. As part of the GÉANT 2020 Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA), the project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 856728 (GN4-3N).