GN4-3N: Governance and Project Structure


The GÉANT General Assembly (GA), the GÉANT Board and the Oversight Committee oversee the implementation of the GN4-3 and GN4-3N projects. In both projects, the Project Management Board (PMB), comprising the Work Package Leaders and relevant subject matter expert (SME) coordinators, meets monthly with the Project Management Office (PMO) to exchange information, coordinate common work and ensure that inter-dependencies are maintained between Work Packages, and any issues resolved in a timely fashion.

Project Structure

GN4-3N comprises two Work Packages: WP1: Project Management, comprising 4 tasks:
  • Project Governance, Management and Coordination
  • Finance
  • ICT
  • Procurement and Supplier Management
WP2: Infrastructure Implementation, comprising 3 tasks:
  • Connectivity
  • Open Line System
  • Implementation and Transition
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