The preferred method of contact is by e-mail. Please send incident reports to Please use encryption for all mails that contain highly confidential information: Key ID: 0x99833085 Key type: RSA Key size: 4096 Expires: never GÉANT CERT PGP = 3CBF F211 8305 635D 5839 BB27 BA6B F34A 9983 3085 Phone number: +44 1223 733033 Physical Address: GÉANT CERT City House 126-130 Hills Road...
Category - operations
GÉANT CERT is actively engaged in the European and international CSIRT community, which shares data and experiences, and is a member of TF-CSIRT, Trusted Introducer, and FIRST.
Helping NRENs defend against DDoS and other malicious attacks Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a severe and growing problem throughout the R&E community. The impacts on time sensitive research can be major and DDoS can often be used to mask other malicious attacks. GÉANT has implemented a range of services to help NRENs and the wider community mitigate against DDoS. By delivering...
GÉANT use a wide range of security monitoring tools to help identify, mitigate and resolve security issues. FlowMon A netflow collector and the first tool within the NSHaRP process. Having the capability to process and analyse flows gathered from all GÉANT project routers, it is able to extract information about various attacks such as DoS, SSH/HTTP/RDP/telnet, ports scans and others. Splunk A...